Zenedge Reaches A New Milestone And Surpasses CloudFlare In The Process

Zenedge has reached a major milestone today in several different areas. First, they raised $6.2M in Series C, bringing their total raised to $13.7M. And the most impressive part about this round is that one of their customers invested in them, which happens to be Zoho, a highly successful global CRM company. There is no greater testament to the impact a startup is having on the industry than to have one of your customers invest in you. The next milestone – Zenedge is now protecting “200,000+” web applications.
Now, let’s think about the “200,000” number, and throw in the fact that Zenedge just started in 2014, so they’re a relatively young startup. How in world did they manage to grow so fast in such a short period of time? This leads to two conclusions:
- Zenedge might be the fastest growing cloud security in our ecosystem in the last decade
- Zenedge has likely caught up and surpassed CloudFlare in the most important metric – paying customers
CloudFlare is protecting 4M web properties. And CloudFlare stated that 4% to 5% are paying customers. Since the number of customers is not known, only the number of web properties being protected is known, let’s do a simple calculation: 4M web properties x 4% paying = 160,000. Thus, CloudFlare is getting paid for protecting 160,000 websites and Zenedge is at 200,000. On top of that, CloudFlare started in the SMB market, with a large majority of their customers being in the WordPress community, which tend to be smaller in size. On the other hand, Zenedge decided from day 1 to go after the enterprise. To sum it up:
- Zenedge 200,000 Web Properties (Enterprise) is greater than CloudFlare’s 160,000 (SMB Clients)
Congrats to the Zenedge team for this phenomenal success. From this point on, for our research efforts, we are going to put Zenedge in the same camp as CloudFlare and Incapsula.
Company Background
- Company: Zenedge
- Founded: 2014
- HQ: Miami
- Raised: $13.5M
- Executives: Yuri Frayman (CEO), Alp Hug (COO), Leon Kuperman (CTO) and Laurent Gil (SVP)
- Industry: Cloud Security
- Features: CDN, WAF, DDoS Mitigation and Bot Mitigation